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Sunday, June 29, 2008 ™

1H01 is awesome! :D

hahas. took some shots with Mr Gary, our macroeconomics teacher ((:

anyway, school's been a long while. it take sometime to start school for the 1st week. anyway, 1H01 should be FREE by now. FREE from IHT PROJECT. can you hear our cheers & screams? we are proud to say: END OF PROJECT. but sad to say: only done 1 project finish =/

well well (: take a break everyone! love yourself for doing well too. *hug yourself if you need to* LOL! ;DDD


P.S : remember to do comm skill & rht questionnaire. you may start on macro country analysis too! :D

|| class ended ||11:51 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 ™


anyway, somebody's birthday is here & it is...... PINGCHONG !!
well, let's wish him a happy 17th when you reach back to school. if not, maybe you would like to give him an sms LATER at midnight. because he will turn 17th on the 19th June! ;D
holidays is coming to an end in DAYS. not weeks anymore (: so hope you enjoyed yourself pretty well & handsomely well, especially for those who went overseas, is there any presents for us? =x hahas!
OKIE! back to proper business =D
  1. please be reminded that on 23rd June you will need to hand up your Communication Skills draft questionnaire & the piece of paper that you wrote down your question and factors. please be reminded that it will be graded !! so do it properly
  2. on 23rd June AGAIN! it will be your handing up of IHT field trip report by 5pm!! (: please do hand in early :D :D :D
  3. Macroeconomics news article to be handed in on friday tutorial. same here, it is graded too. please just do ONE OF IT! =) it will be more than enough (;
  4. IHT GROUP PROJECT handed in on the 30th June by 5pm! please be reminded to hand in with a CD of your powerpoint (: & make sure that it is READABLE when open.
  5. RHT questionnaire to be ALREADY draft out & done to surveyors. Thus, you are supposed to be doing data entry in the next tutorial. Do check your paper for further instructions (: because i think i have given the wrong instructions =x

see you people soon! and please do send me photos that you guys took during holidays! ;D i will upload it to SHARE with everyone else here =DD


|| class ended ||11:29 PM

Sunday, June 8, 2008 ™


this is what's been happening: after & before tutorials or lectures. (: finding means&ways to spend our time wisely. lectures are our 'photo-taking' session. not only that, we were enjoying our every meal :D food are precious & we are learning to eat more *yum yum yum*. the first pic was 2 groups doing group projects together =x due to 'exchanging' of classmates. its TROUBLESOME! -.-

ZOO ZOO ZOO! the rain did not spoil our mood =D we are trying our best to LOVE the rain. not all of our class people went ): only half of it came ;D & all thanks to MINGTING for giving us free tickets. YAY !! it's tons of pics, thus collating all which became smaller in size. ;)

after our last few lectures, our term exam paper started the following week & lasted for 4days [3 papers]. everyone had put in their effort to it! & i know it will be paid off. nevertheless our term break is here!!! ((: look on a bright side everyone. & let's have..
FUN !!
FUN !!!
FUN !!!!

--be reminded of individual projects & group projects soon due after holiday [ for some only] ! :D--

|| class ended ||11:04 PM

1H01 '08/09 ™

They say, the first class in school is always the best one; 1H01 totally proved that point right.

Each day spent with 1H01 probably equates to an episode of some TV drama, filled with arguments and bitching, pouting and shouting; But what makes us different, is that in a matter of hours or days, things will be different once again. That's 1H01 '08/09 for you. Anger dissipates faster than the fats off Britney Spears. Happiness and laughter always prevail.

So, that's what I like about our class :
Fcuked up shits don't last.